Customer: Kraus-Anderson Construction Company/Minnesota Vikings
In 2016, BR submitted an asphalt paving bid for the Minnesota Vikings TCO Performance Center via an electronic request for proposal to Kraus-Anderson, the project’s general contractor. Once awarded the project, BR didn’t actually start installing asphalt until mid-year, 2017, nearly a year from the original bid date. Other subcontractors were on the docket first, to complete portions of the project prior to BR installing any asphalt.
This is fairly typical when working as a subcontractor, especially on such a large-scale project. BR may come in at different times to pave certain phases of a project, whereas other asphalt paving projects can be completed in one or two days.
The first paving phase of the Performance Center project included the maintenance building. It was critical to install the asphalt in 2017 so the crews had access to equipment and product in order for the grass to be established and ready for the 2018 season. To begin, BR’s grading crew installed Class 5 aggregate, and then graded according to the plan specifications. Once grading was complete, the paving crews installed a base course (the first layer of asphalt). After the maintenance building was complete, BR started this same process for the remaining Performance Center parking lots.
One Thing Led to Another
During the process of paving the parking lots for the Performance Center, BR had the opportunity to provide a bid on the Twin Cities Orthopedics parking lots. Same location, different project. BR was also awarded this contract. Paving the base course for the main lot of the TCO building took place in August of 2017, but only the base course so other contractors could more easily access the site. The wear course (a second layer of asphalt) was installed in 2018.
In addition, the trails around the ponds by the Performance Center were not included in the original bid package. Even after all of the Performance Center parking lots were paved, the trails were added through a change order. It’s common for projects to collect change orders along the way, but Kraus-Anderson certainly could’ve put the trails project out for bid. However, BR’s exceptional customer service and workmanship gained the respect of the customer and ultimately created more opportunity to put BR’s mark on the project. For the trails portion, BR installed an aggregate base prior to paving, and installed nearly 4,000 SY of asphalt.
The Project Comes to a Close
Since all of the base course had been installed in 2017 to ensure the ground was protected throughout the winter months, BR was ready to go in the spring of 2018 to finish this asphalt paving project at the Performance Center. BR paved the employee parking lot, visitor parking lot, player parking lot, and fire lanes. An approximate total of 24,000 SY of asphalt was installed at the TCO Performance Center and the Twin Cities Orthopedics building.
Working Together for the Long Haul
BR is proud to have worked on this project with Kraus-Anderson, as well as all the other subcontractors. It was a privilege to be a part of a project that is now a part of Minnesota’s history. Whether your asphalt paving project will take one day to complete, or multiple years, BR is here for you. We take customer service seriously and will strive to do our best every day, from the grading crew installing the ever-so-important sub base, to the crew members on the rollers compacting the asphalt to its final specification.
If you’re in need of an asphalt paving contractor who will work with you and become your preferred paving partner, then contact Bituminous Roadways. With more than 70 years in the industry, we provide dependable service and the highest level of quality asphalt paving in the Twin Cities metro area. Call us today at 651-686-7001 or request a consultation.
Paving the base course at TCO.

Paving the visitor parking lot at the Performance Center.

Installing the aggregate base on the trails.

Paving the trails.

Grading the players lot at the Performance Center.

Paving the player’s lot at the Performance Center.