
From monthly archives: June 2019

We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'June 2019'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

Safety Tips For Passing Through a Construction Zone

Chances are, if you are in the Twin Cities metro area in the summertime, you will see a Bituminous Roadways, Inc. (BR) truck, or employee performing work on a street or parking lot. Most people are attentive and follow traffic signage and speed restrictions while driving through work zones. Not to mention, there are heavy fines associated with not doing so. However, there is also a danger when walking through or near a construction site. The average person may not be aware of these dangers.

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How is Bituminous Roadways Using GPS Technology to Make Asphalt Paving More Efficient?

The asphalt paving industry is just beginning to get its “foot in the door” when it comes to automated systems. The idea is to take an engineered design or survey of a site and create a working grading plan for a project. From that point, equipment has become smart enough to read these designs and create them in real-time with an operator’s guidance. This technology is called machine control, and it will soon play a major role in every phase of an asphalt paving project, from dirt-work to paving.

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