Unfortunately, there is not a universal method for asphalt pavement management, and that is a good thing. Each and every pavement has unique needs and requirements. Therefore, you will need to determine what system will work best for you. A large part of pavement management is just staying organized and gathering the appropriate data to help you make well informed decisions about your pavement(s). Get started with your pavement management plan by following these four steps:
Step 1 | Understand: What is Pavement Management?
Pavement management is the systematic approach to determining the appropriate timing, extent, and priority of pavement maintenance and rehabilitation. Pavement management techniques can be applied to an individual pavement or a network of several pavements. The main difference between single project and network-level pavement management systems is priority. Prioritizing where and how to spend your limited funds each year becomes an easier, well informed, decision when you have the details about the needs of each pavement.
Step 2 | Gather Information on Each Pavement
For each pavement, document details such as: property name, property address, the age of the pavement (years), past maintenance (type and date), size/area of the pavement, and/or thickness of the pavement’s asphalt and aggregate base layers. If you don't have all of this information, don't worry, any information is better than none, and now is always a good time to start documenting and organizing that information.
Step 3 | Determine a System for Managing Your Pavements that will Work Best for You
Asphalt pavements are designed to last 20+ years (with regular maintenance), and unlike us here at BR, you probably don't think about pavements every day throughout the year. First, choose how you are going to organize all the information you just gathered. It can be as simple as storing all the relevant documents in a filing cabinet or a three ring binder, or if you are good with Excel, that can be a great way to store and organize the pertinent information about your pavements. Next, set a recurring reminder (3 months, 6 months, or yearly) on your calendar, reminding you to think about your pavements and to update your pavement management program with any new information. However, you set up your system, be sure you choose a system that is easy to understand and will allow you or someone else to easily review and update.
Step 4 | Assess the Condition of Each Pavement
A detailed assessment of your pavement(s) is the cornerstone of a pavement management system. Assessing your pavements every year or two will give you a better idea of how your pavement is deteriorating and allow you to make well informed decisions about pavement maintenance and rehabilitation. Next week’s blog will go into more detail on a few different ways to assess your pavement(s).
Bituminous Roadways, Inc. prides itself in offering excellent customer service. Our expert staff are here to answer questions, visit sites and assist in any way possible. Call 651-686-7001 or contact us online if you have any questions.